
Welcome to Cryptography 101! Here, I introduce you to the world of cryptographic techniques and algorithms using Python. From fundamental concepts to practical applications, we'll explore important definitions in cryptography, the history of cryptography, types of ciphers and how they work, and how cryptography plays a crucial role in secure communications and data protection. By the end of this guide, you'll have a foundational understanding of cryptography and its implementations.

Introduction to Cryptography

In this section, I'll cover the fundamental concepts of Python programming. Including an overview of common data structures and their manipulations. Then, I'll dive into how to evaluate conditions using the if...else... statement. I'll also explore how to use loops, including the for and while loops, to perform repeated tasks. Finally, I'll learn how to refactor code into functions and classes, so I can reuse blocks of code throughout our programs.

The Evolution of Cryptography

Trace the historical evolution of cryptography, from ancient ciphers to modern cryptographic systems, understanding its progression over time.

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Cryptography Fundamentals

Delve into fundamental concepts of cryptography, covering encryption, decryption, keys, algorithms, and their significance in secure communication.

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Types of Ciphers and How They Work

Explore various types of ciphers and their functioning, laying the foundation for understanding specific cryptographic techniques.

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Cryptographic Techniques and Algorithms

Cryptography is a fascinating field that deals with securing information by converting it into an unreadable format. Ciphers, in particular, play a crucial role in encryption and decryption processes. Ciphers can be categorized into several major groups based on their characteristics and properties. In the following sections, I will explore the various types of ciphers and how they work.

ROT-13 Cipher

Discover the ROT-13 cipher, a specific case of the Caesar cipher, and how it transforms text for encryption purposes.

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Caesar Cipher

Learn about one of the earliest and simplest substitution ciphers, the Caesar cipher, and how it operates.

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Atbash Cipher

Understand the Atbash cipher, a simple substitution cipher, and how it works to encrypt messages.

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Affine Cipher

Explore the affine cipher, understanding its mechanism and how it encrypts plaintext.

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Columnar Transposition Cipher

Delve into the columnar transposition cipher and how it reorders plaintext to create ciphertext.

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Hill Cipher

Explore the Hill cipher, a polygraphic substitution cipher based on linear algebra, and understand its encryption process.

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Playfair Cipher

Uncover the Playfair cipher, a digraphic substitution cipher, and learn how it encrypts pairs of letters in plaintext

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Rail Fence Cipher

Explore the Rail Fence cipher, a transposition cipher that rearranges the order of letters to create encrypted text.

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Route Cipher

Investigate the Route cipher, a type of transposition cipher, and grasp how it rearranges characters to secure information.

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Vigenere Cipher

Explore the Vigenere cipher, a method of encrypting alphabetic text using a simple form of polyalphabetic substitution.

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