Python Definitions and Concepts
Now that you have set up your programming environment and taken your first step into the world of programming, it’s time to dive deeper into the fundamental concepts of Python. Understanding variables, statements, expressions, comments and constants is crucial for any beginner learning Python programming. These elements serve as the building blocks for storing and manipulating data, allowing you to control the flow of a program and write efficient code.
- Identifiers and Variables in Python
- Statements and Expressions
- Python Comments and Docstrings
- Data Types and Operators in Python
- Elements of Flow Statements
- Putting It All Together: A Practical Example
- Summary
Like any programming language, Python follows a set of rules that define how to write code and how the interpreter understands it. These rules, known as syntax, include guidelines for using symbols, punctuation, and words in your code. Let’s explore some basic syntax rules for identifiers and variables in Python.
Identifiers and Variables in Python
Identifiers are names or labels used to identify functions, modules, classes, variables, or any other objects in Python, aiding in distinguishing and accessing them in your code. They act as labels assigned to variables, helping to distinguish and access them by name. Variables, on the other hand, are reserved memory locations used to store values in Python. They serve as references or pointers to objects in memory, encapsulating both data and the functions operating on that data.
Everything in Python is an object, with each object having an identity, type, and value. While an object’s identity and type remain constant, its value can be changed.
When writing Python code, you commonly use variables to store values. To create a variable, you employ an assignment statement that assigns a value to a variable name. For instance, creating a variable named “x” and assigning it the value 42 allows you to refer to the stored value using the name “x”.
Here’s an example demonstrating the creation and use of variables:
>>> x = 42
>>> print(x)
In this example, x
is a variable assigned the value 42. The print(x)
statement outputs the value stored in the variable.
Python provides the built-in id()
function to view an object’s identity (memory address). For example:
>>> x = 42
>>> id(x)
The id(x)
function returns a unique number representing the memory address of the object referenced by the variable x
Variables in Python are References: They allow multiple variables to point to the same object, known as aliasing. For instance:
>>> x = 42
>>> y = x
>>> id(x) == id(y)
In this example, both x
and y
reference the same object, as indicated by their identical identities.
Variables in Python have a property known as scope, determining their visibility within code. When defined in the console, variables are global, accessible, and modifiable from any part of the code. For instance, if x
is defined in the console, executing print(x)
in a separate file like
will output the value of x
However, variables created within a code block, such as a function or an indented section, are considered local variables. They are only visible within that specific block and any dependent blocks (sub-blocks). This concept becomes particularly relevant when developing complete programs, and we’ll revisit it later in your programming journey.
Assigning Variables
Assigning a value to a variable, known as binding in Python, is a fundamental concept. This process involves associating a variable name with a value, and it can be accomplished using various methods.
Using Expressions
Expressions can be directly assigned to variables. For example:
>>> x = 4 + 2
>>> print(x)
In this example, the expression 4 + 2
is assigned to the variable x
and the subsequent print(x)
statement outputs the value of x
, which is 6.
Operator Overloading
Python supports operator overloading, allowing operators to work differently with different data types. For instance, the +
operator can add numbers or concatenate strings:
>>> first_name = 'John'
>>> last_name = 'Smith'
>>> full_name = first_name + ' ' + last_name
>>> print(full_name)
John Smith
Here, the +
operator is used for string concatenation. The variable full_name
is assigned the combined value of first_name
and last_name
with a space in between.
Using Functions
Functions, even those not covered yet, can be used in assignment statements. For instance, utilizing the built-in len()
>>> text = 'Hello, World!'
>>> length = len(text)
>>> print(length)
In this example, the length of the string “Hello, World!” is assigned to the variable length
using the len()
Chained Assignment and Internment
Chained assignment allows you to assign the same value to multiple variables in a single line:
>>> a = b = c = 10
>>> print(a, b, c)
10 10 10
Here, the values are simultaneously assigned to variables a
, b
and c
Internment is a memory optimization technique where Python reuses memory addresses for certain values. For example:
>>> a = b = c = 10
>>> print(a, b, c)
10 10 10
>>> x = 10
>>> y = 10
>>> z = 10
>>> print(id(x), id(y), id(z))
140249467557448 140249467557448 140249467557448
In this case, Python internally interns the integer value 10, assigning the same memory address to all three variables.
Naming Variables
Readability is crucial in programming, and well-chosen variable names contribute significantly to code understanding. Adhering to a set of rules and conventions while naming variables in Python enhances both clarity and consistency across your codebase.
There are three main rules for naming variables:
- Variables can only contain letters, numbers, or underscores (_).
- The first character must be a letter or an underscore, not a number.
- The name cannot be a reserved keyword.
Additional Considerations
- Variables should avoid spaces, using underscores to separate words.
- Special characters like “!, @, #, $, %” are not allowed.
- Python keywords and function names should be avoided.
Adhering to these rules ensures error-free code. Beyond rules, adopting common naming conventions, as outlined in PEP-8, further improves code readability:
- Use lowercase letters for variable names.
- Separate words in variable names with underscores.
- All caps can be used for constant values (e.g., “PI” or “MAX_VALUE”).
- Class names should follow CamelCase.
Let’s explore examples of good and bad variable names:
Good Variable Names:
num_students = 30
student_name = 'John'
total_score = 100
user_age = 25
max_attempts = 3
In the examples above, the variable names are descriptive and meaningful, providing clear information about the data they hold.
Bad Variable Names:
ts = 100 # Not descriptive
ua = 25 # Not clear
x = 3 # Lacks context
In the examples above, the variable names are generic and not informative. They lack clarity and make it difficult to understand the purpose of the variables.
By using meaningful and descriptive variable names, such as “num_students” and “student_name”, you provide context and improve the readability of your code. This becomes especially important when working with others, as they can quickly understand the purpose of each variable.
Reserved Words in Python
Python has reserved certain keywords for specific functions, providing predefined functionalities. These reserved words cannot be used as variable names or identifiers in your code, as they are reserved for internal operations.
Here is a list of reserved keywords in Python:
>>> import keyword
>>> print(keyword.kwlist)
['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'async', 'await', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']
Attempting to use any of these reserved words as variable names will result in a syntax error:
>>> import = 42
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/joj-macho/Documents/", line 1
import = 42
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
While you don’t need to memorize all keywords, Python will flag a SyntaxError
if you inadvertently use one. Choose meaningful and descriptive variable names to avoid conflicts and ensure code functionality.
Beyond keywords, it’s also advisable to avoid using names of Python’s built-in functions like print()
or len()
as variable names. Although it’s technically allowed, doing so can lead to confusion. For instance:
>>> id = 42
>>> print(id)
Using built-in function names as variables may cause unexpected behavior, as demonstrated when attempting to use the id()
>>> x = 4
>>> id(x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
Exercise caution when naming variables to prevent accidental clashes with reserved words or built-in functions. If necessary, appending an underscore or a meaningful descriptor after the underscore, such as max_
or class_
, can help avoid conflicts.
Constants in Python
While Python doesn’t have formally defined constants, it follows the convention outlined in PEP-8 to indicate a variable intended as a constant. Constants are values that remain unchanged throughout a program’s execution, and their names conventionally use all-uppercase letters with underscores, a style humorously referred to as “screaming snake case” due to the all-caps (screaming) and underscores (snakes). Although the interpreter won’t prevent modification of these variables, linters often complain if you attempt to do so.
To illustrate the use of constants, let’s consider some examples in various domains:
# Physics Constants
SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299_792_458 # m/s
PLANCK_CONSTANT = 6.62607015 * 10**(-34) # J·s
BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT = 1.380649 * 10**(-23) # J/K
# Financial Constant
# Statistical Constants
These constants are vital in fields like physics, engineering, finance, and statistics, where maintaining fixed values is essential for accurate calculations.
It’s crucial to note that using all caps is a convention for constants, and while Python does not restrict the modification of these variables, it’s the responsibility of the programmer to treat them as constants and avoid overwriting.
Python also provides built-in constants like True
, False
, and None
, which are primarily used for Boolean operations. Additionally, the math
module in Python offers several mathematical constants:
>>> import math
>>> print(math.pi) # Mathematical constant pi
>>> print(math.e) # Euler's number
>>> print(math.tau) # Tau, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius (2 * pi)
>>> print(math.inf) # Positive infinity
>>> print(math.nan) # Not a Number (NaN)
These constants from the math
module are useful for various mathematical calculations.
The Zen of Python
The Zen of Python is a set of guiding principles for writing computer programs in the Python language. These principles, written by Tim Peters, highlight the philosophy behind Python’s design. To view the Zen of Python, open a Python interpreter and type import this
>>> import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
Here are a few key principles from the Zen of Python:
- Readability Counts: Code is read more often than it is written. Strive for clarity and readability.
- Explicit is Better than Implicit: Make your code explicit and clear rather than relying on implicit or hidden behavior.
- There Should be One– and Preferably Only One –Obvious Way to Do It: Python encourages a single, obvious way to accomplish tasks to avoid confusion.
- In the Face of Ambiguity, Refuse the Temptation to Guess: When in doubt, be explicit rather than making assumptions.
- If the Implementation is Hard to Explain, It’s a Bad Idea: Complex code should be avoided unless absolutely necessary, as it can be difficult to understand and maintain.
Remember to embrace these principles as you continue your journey with Python. They serve as valuable guidelines for writing clean, maintainable, and Pythonic code.
Statements and Expressions
In Python, statements and expressions are fundamental components that make up the code. They play a crucial role in controlling the flow of a program and calculating values.
A statement in Python is a complete unit of code that performs a specific action. Statements can include assignment statements, conditional statements, loop statements, and more. Unlike expressions, statements do not necessarily return a value.
Assignment Statements
Assignment statements are used to assign values to variables. The basic syntax is:
variable = expression
Here’s an example:
x = 42
In this example, the value 42
is assigned to the variable x
Conditional Statements
Conditional statements, such as the if
statement, allow the program to make decisions based on certain conditions. The syntax is:
if condition:
# code to execute when the condition is True
# code to execute when the condition is False
if x > 0:
print('x is positive')
print('x is non-positive')
In this example, the program checks if the variable x
is greater than 0. If the condition is true, it executes the first print statement; otherwise, it executes the second print statement.
Loop Statements
Loop statements, like for
and while
loops, allow the execution of a block of code multiple times. Here’s an example using a for
fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']
for fruit in fruits:
This loop iterates over each element in the fruits
The pass
statement in Python is a no-operation statement. It serves as a placeholder where syntactically some code is required but no action is desired or necessary. It is often used during development when a statement is required by Python syntax but the programmer doesn’t want to execute any code. Here’s an example:
if x > 0:
# Code to be added later
print('x is non-positive')
In this example, the pass
statement is a placeholder for future code within the if block.
Statements are Run Sequentially: The computer does not look ahead.
An expression is a piece of code that produces a value. Unlike statements, expressions are often composed of variables, literals, and operators. Expressions can be part of statements but can also stand alone.
Arithmetic Expressions
Arithmetic expressions involve mathematical operations. Examples include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
result = 10 + 5 * 2
In this example, the expression 10 + 5 * 2
evaluates to 20
Comparison Expressions
Comparison expressions compare values and return a Boolean result. Examples include equality (==
), inequality (!=
), greater than (>
), and less than (<
is_equal = (3 * 4) == (5 + 7)
Here, is_equal
is True
because the expressions on both sides are equal.
Logical Expressions
Logical expressions involve Boolean operators like and
, or
, and not
. They combine multiple conditions.
logical_result = (x > 0) and (y < 10)
In this example, logical_result
is True
if both conditions are satisfied.
Python Comments and Docstrings
Python is renowned for its code readability, yet to enhance collaboration and self-reminder, you’ll need comments and docstrings. Comments, initiated with #
, annotate code for human understanding, while docstrings, triple-quoted strings at the beginning of modules, functions, classes, or methods, serve as documentation.
Comments explain code, provide insights, and can be single-line, inline, or multi-line.
Single-Line Comments
Single-line comments, initiated with the #
character, serve as concise notes or explanations within your code. They are a valuable tool for adding contextual information and improving code comprehension.
# This is a single-line comment
x = 42
Single-line comments effectively summarize the following code block.
# Check if x is greater than 10
if x > 10:
print('x is greater than 10')
Inline Comments
Inline comments provide concise clarifications at the end of a statement in your code. It’s essential to use them sparingly to avoid clutter, maintaining a clear and readable codebase. When adding inline comments, observe a separation of at least two spaces to enhance visual clarity.
Here’s an example:
x = speed_of_light # speed_of_light in m/s
In this instance, the comment helps explain the purpose or context of the speed_of_light
Multi-Line Comments
Comments that span multiple lines are known as multiline comments or block comments. Python does not have an official syntax for multiline comments. One way to handle them is to treat them as a series of single-line comments beginning with hash marks, as follows:
# This is a multiline comment.
# It spans multiple lines.
# Useful for longer explanations or documentation.
Alternatively, multi-line comments can be created using triple quotes ('''
or """
) to allow for longer explanations or documentation. They are useful for providing more extensive context and detailed information about the code.
This is a multi-line comment.
It can span multiple lines.
Useful for longer explanations or documentation.
Strive to strike a balance when commenting—provide enough detail to aid understanding without over-explaining or repeating information unnecessarily.
Docstrings, triple-quoted ('''
or """
) strings at the beginning of entities, act as documentation.
Basic Docstring Example:
This is a docstring.
It provides more extensive explanations.
Docstrings in Functions:
def example_function():
This is a docstring for the example_function.
It can include details about parameters, return values, etc.
print('Example function')
Access docstrings with the __doc__
>>> print(example_function.__doc__)
This is a docstring for the example_function.
It can include details about parameters, return values, etc.
Docstrings follow PEP-257 conventions, especially crucial in larger projects. These essential comments aid in comprehending modules, classes, methods, and functions, providing context and guidance. Keep docstrings updated in tandem with code changes to ensure accurate and reliable documentation.
Data Types and Operators in Python
Data Types in Python: An Overview
In Python, data types play a crucial role in defining and manipulating variables. These types represent the nature of the data and determine the operations that can be performed on them.
Data types are classifications that define the nature of data in a programming language. While computers inherently understand binary numbers (1s and 0s), Python provides various ways for programmers to represent diverse information – from names, numbers, and heights to complex structures and more.
Key Python Data Types
Python is a dynamically typed language, meaning you don’t have to explicitly declare the data type of a variable. The interpreter automatically determines the type during runtime. Let’s explore some of the fundamental data types in Python:
- Numbers:
- Integers (
): Whole numbers without decimal points. - Floating-point numbers (
): Numbers with decimal points or in scientific notation. - Complex numbers (
): Numbers with a real and an imaginary part.
- Integers (
- Sequences:
- Strings: Sequences of characters enclosed in single quotes (
) or double quotes (""
- Strings: Sequences of characters enclosed in single quotes (
- Collections:
- Lists: Ordered collections of items enclosed in square brackets (
). - Tuples: Similar to lists but immutable, enclosed in parentheses (
). - Sets: Unordered collections of unique elements enclosed in curly braces (
- Lists: Ordered collections of items enclosed in square brackets (
- Mappings:
- Dictionaries: Key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces (
- Dictionaries: Key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces (
- None Type:
- None: Represents the absence of a value or a null value.
- Boolean Type:
- Boolean (
): Represents truth values withTrue
- Boolean (
Boolean type Represents truth values (True
and False
). Strings Sequences of characters enclosed in single quotes (''
) or double quotes (""
). Lists Ordered collections of items enclosed in square brackets ([]
). Tuples: Similar to lists but immutable, enclosed in parentheses (()
). Dictionaries Key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces ({}
Detailed explanations of data types are provided in subsequent sections of this series:
- Numeric Data Types: Integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers.
- Lists & Tuples Data Types: Ordered collections and their immutability.
- String Data Types: Manipulating and working with sequences of characters.
- Dictionary Data Types: Understanding key-value pairs.
As you progress through these sections, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to effectively use and manipulate different data types in Python.
Operators in Python
Operators in Python are essential elements that perform diverse operations on operands. These operations can range from simple arithmetic calculations to complex manipulations of values and variables.
In programming, operators consist of symbols or keywords specifically designed to execute operations on values. Python provides a rich set of operators, allowing developers to evaluate expressions and manipulate data effectively.
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are crucial in performing mathematical operations on numeric values. Python supports various arithmetic operators that facilitate tasks like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more.
Operator | Usage | Description |
+ |
a + b |
Addition |
- |
a - b |
Subtraction |
* |
a * b |
Multiplication |
/ |
a / b |
Division |
% |
a % b |
Modulus (Remainder of Division) |
// |
a // b |
Floor Division |
** |
a ** b |
Exponentiation (Power) |
Comparison Operators
Comparison operators are used to compare values and return Boolean results. They evaluate expressions and produce True
or False
based on the comparison’s outcome.
Operator | Usage | Description |
== |
a == b |
Equal |
!= |
a != b |
Not Equal |
> |
a > b |
Greater Than |
< |
a < b |
Less Than |
>= |
a >= b |
Greater Than or Equal |
<= |
a <= b |
Less Than or Equal |
Logical Operators
Logical operators allow combining conditions to yield a logical result. These operators include and
, or
, and not
Operator | Usage | Description |
and |
a and b |
Logical AND |
or |
a or b |
Logical OR |
not |
not a |
Logical NOT |
Assignment Operators
Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. The =
operator is the most common, and it can be combined with arithmetic operators for concise assignments.
Operator | Usage | Example | Description |
= |
a = b |
a = b |
Assigns the value of b to a |
+= |
a += b |
a = a + b |
Adds the values of a and b to a |
-= |
a -= b |
a = a - b |
Subtracts the value of b from a |
*= |
a *= b |
a = a * b |
Multiplies the values of a and b |
/= |
a /= b |
a = a / b |
Divides the value of a by b |
%= |
a %= b |
a = a % b |
Assigns the remainder of a divided by b to a |
//= |
a //= b |
a = a // b |
Assigns the floor division of a by b to a |
**= |
a **= b |
a = a ** b |
Assigns the exponentiation of a by b to a |
Bitwise Operators
Bitwise operators operate on individual bits of values. They are used in low-level programming for manipulation at the bit level.
Operator | Usage | Description |
& |
a & b |
Bitwise AND |
| |
a | b |
Bitwise OR |
^ |
a ^ b |
Bitwise XOR |
~ |
~a |
Bitwise NOT |
<< |
a << b |
Left Shift |
>> |
a >> b |
Right Shift |
Identity Operators
Identity operators are used to check if two variables point to the same object.
Operator | Usage | Description |
is |
a is b |
True if a is the same as b |
is not |
a is not b |
True if a is not the same as b |
Membership Operators
Membership operators check if a value is a member of a sequence, like a list or a string.
Operator | Usage | Description |
in |
x in sequence |
True if x is found in the sequence |
not in |
x not in sequence |
True if x is not found in the sequence |
Understanding and using operators allows you to perform calculations, make comparisons, and control the flow of your program effectively.
Elements of Flow Statements
Flow control statements in Python consist of conditions and code blocks, making them powerful tools for directing program execution.
The Boolean expressions you’ve seen so far could all be considered conditions, which are the same thing as expressions; condition is just a more specific name in the context of flow control statements. Conditions always evaluate down to a Boolean value, True
or False
. A flow control statement decides what to do based on whether its condition is True or False, and almost every flow control statement uses a condition.
Blocks of Code (Clause)
Blocks of code are sections of Python code grouped together. Indentation determines the beginning and end of a block. An increase in indentation marks the start of a block, which may contain nested blocks. Blocks conclude when indentation returns to zero or the containing block’s level.
Control Flow Statements
Control flow statements allow you to control the execution of your program based on conditions or repetitions. Common control flow statements in Python include:
- If statement: Executes a block of code if a specified condition is true.
- Else statement: Executes a block of code if the preceding if statement condition is false.
- Elif statement: Sequentially checks multiple conditions.
- While loop: Repeats a block of code as long as a given condition is true.
- For loop: Executes a block of code for each item in an iterable.
- Break statement: Prematurely terminates a loop.
- Continue statement: Skips the rest of the loop and advances to the next iteration.
Using control flow statements gives you the power to make decisions, iterate over collections, and create more dynamic and interactive programs.
Control Flow Statements are explored further in Python Control Flow later in this tutorial series.
Putting It All Together: A Practical Example
Imagine you are a data analyst working for a social media company, and you have been tasked with analyzing user engagement on the platform. To do this, you need to calculate the number of likes, comments, and shares for each post. You could use Python expressions to extract this data from the platform’s database and store it in variables. You could also use comments to explain how you arrived at each value, making it easier for others to understand your code.
In this scenario, you’ll calculate and analyze the user engagement metrics for a week’s worth of social media posts
# Constants (representing post data from a database)
# Let's assume you have data for a week's worth of posts
LIKES_PER_POST = [150, 120, 200, 85, 210, 180, 250]
COMMENTS_PER_POST = [45, 30, 60, 15, 75, 60, 90]
SHARES_PER_POST = [30, 20, 45, 10, 50, 40, 60]
# Calculate user engagement metrics for the entire week
total_likes = sum(LIKES_PER_POST)
total_comments = sum(COMMENTS_PER_POST)
total_shares = sum(SHARES_PER_POST)
total_engagement = total_likes + total_comments + total_shares
# Calculate the average engagement per post
total_posts = len(LIKES_PER_POST)
average_likes = total_likes / total_posts
average_comments = total_comments / total_posts
average_shares = total_shares / total_posts
# Output the results
print('User Engagement Metrics for the Week:')
print(f'Total Likes: {total_likes}')
print(f'Total Comments: {total_comments}')
print(f'Total Shares: {total_shares}')
print(f'Total Engagement: {total_engagement}')
print(f'Average Likes Per Post: {average_likes:.2f}')
print(f'Average Comments Per Post: {average_comments:.2f}')
print(f'Average Shares Per Post: {average_shares:.2f}')
In this the example above, we have lists of likes, comments, and shares for each post for an entire week. We calculate the total likes, comments, and shares for the week and then calculate the average engagement metrics per post. This provides a practical illustration of how Python can be used to analyze user engagement data on a social media platform.
This is just one example of how Python can be used to solve real-world problems. You can find more programs that implement variables, constants, statements, and expressions in my Python Playground Repository on GitHub. For hands-on practice and reinforcement of these concepts, check out the Python Basics Exercises.
Variables, constants, statements, and expressions, and comments are fundamental concepts in Python that every programmer must understand. By using these concepts effectively, you can write better code and solve real-world problems. These definitions and concepts will equip you with the tools to write dynamic and engaging Python code, by mastering these concepts, you can breathe life into your programs, making them vibrant, expressive, and effective.
Next in the Python Programming 101 series is Understanding Python Data Structures: Numeric Data Types where we’ll dive into understanding the characteristics and functionalities of numeric data types in Python.